Download High Performance Elastomer Seals for the Instrumentation Industry [White Paper]
The term instrumentation covers a wide variety of applications. In the broadest sense, instrumentation may be considered as any equipment used for measurements, either in-line process applications or in laboratory equipment.
Instruments used in analyses require seals that assure the sample is kept apart from the surrounding environment. Proper elastomer selection is also critical to assure that the seal does not contaminate the test sample. While standard elastomers are used in many applications, some instrument seals are subjected to high temperatures, harsh chemicals, and/or aggressive cleaning solutions.
Seals in these applications necessitate the use of high performance elastomers, such as a fluoroelastomer (FKM) or perfluoroelastomer (FFKM).
Inside, you’ll learn about:
- In-Line Process Applications (flowmeters, pressure gauges, etc)
- Laboratory Equipment
- Seal/Groove Design Considerations
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